

complete next steps

Does a student not remember what to do next?

Our default support may be to verbally remind a student what to do. Add the bullets visual and students can see the steps, and self-monitor. 

"I gave a lot of directions at the end of the lesson, didn't I? Let's write what the steps are..."

☐ Read pg. 74

☐ Write a sticky note reflection

☐ Share with your partner

Next steps for a struggling writer

Next steps for a struggling writer

Have a student who Needs steps broken down a little more?

For some students, "Write a paragraph" is a daunting task. They may benefit from having steps broken down into a larger number of smaller, discrete tasks. 

Start by offering praise of what s/he has done thus far, and use the boxes visual to show the next steps. 

"You've gotten a good start by getting your pencil and writing your name. Let me show you the next three steps you can do..."

☑ Get pencil

☑ Write your name

☐ Write the date

☐ Write intro sentence

☐ Check for capitals & periods