Why copyright?
I want everyone to use dynamICONs! I hope they're easy enough to understand and use so that they're helpful to teachers and students.
And I didn't invent the "bullet" or certainly the "line." So why does the bottom of the page say that dynamICONs are © me? I've unfortunately been in the field of education long enough to see people's terrific ideas and creations taken, renamed, repackaged, and sold without credit being given to the creator—I've even gotten burned once or twice myself.
The dynamICONs strategy represents a complete and thorough framework for using specific visuals in a unique way, for a particular reason. That's the work that I have done. In the interest of preventing someone else from finding out about the idea, taking credit for it, and packaging it into a bright and shiny book that they make you pay for, the strategy has been copyrighted.
Using and sharing
Use dynamICONs! Use them all the time, with as many students and classes as is beneficial. And certainly don't feel the need to ask permission or buy anything.
If, though, you'd like to share the strategy with colleagues or online, I ask that you credit me and refer back to this website, dynamICONs.org. Thanks!